At the zoo Dodo looked at lots and lots of animals.

She was so happy that she did not notice that somebody filched her tomato from her picnic.

She put out her picnic.

First the sandwich

Then the drink

Then the muffin

Then the tomato......Where was the tomato

She must have dropped it. She loved tomatoes.

Dodo rushed around the zoo.

First she asked the Hippo who looked very happy.

'Have you accidentally eaten my tomato?'

'Dunno' said the hippo 'You had better look'

She looked under his tongue which gave the hippo the hiccups.

'Are you OK' asked Dodo.

''Yes' said the hippo. ' I'm now a hhhhhappy hhhhhhippo with hhhhhhicups,'

'Hooray' said Dodo.

Then Dodo asked the giraffe if she had accidentally eaten her tomato.

'I don't think so' said the giraffe 'Would you like to look?'

 The giraffe was so tall Lottie had to use a ladder to look down her neck which made the giraffe giggle.

'Ha ha' said the giraffe 'I'm now a gggggiggling , gggggirly gggggiraffe.'

'Golly' said Dodo

Then she looked asked the crocodile if he had accidentally eaten her tomato.

'Could have' said the crocodile.'You had better check'

Dodo tried, but his mouth was so long she trod on his tongue which made the crocodile cross.

He said 'I'm now a cccccrabby cccccross  cccccrocodile so you better run away.'

So Dodo did.

Then she ran to the tigers cage and when she looked in the tiger's eyes she  could see herself reflected very small.

'Can I see if you have accidentally eaten my tomato?' asked Dodo.

'No' said the tiger. 'Tigers don't eat tomatoes but they have very big teeth.

 They are very Toothy Tigers with very bad Tempers.'

'Ta Ta' said Dodo

Then she asked the snake 'Have you seen my tomato.

'Yessss, check my mouth but first look into my eyes' said the snake sibilantly and curled around her

'Stop you are squishing me' said Dodo,

'Ssssso Sssssorry for sssssquashing you.' said the snake.'I don't like tomatoes'

'SSSSS OK' said Dodo.

Then she found a monkey who was hanging from a branch.

'Have you seen my tomato' asked Dodo ' And why are you wearing a top hat?'

'No I ain't got no tomatoes' sang the monkey 'I wear this hat because I'm a gentlechimp'

Don't you mean gentleman?' asked Dodo.

'No I'm a Chimp' said the monkey. 'A very Genteel, Generous, Gentlechimp.

'Gracious' said Dodo.

Then she asked Nellie the elephant if she had accidentally eaten her tomato.

' No' said Nellie 'it's not up my nose and anyway my name is Nigel.'

'You have a very long nose, Nigel' said Dodo.

'I knows something else' said Nigel ' I knows who has your tomato. Hop on my back I will take you.'

Never say no' Dodo and climbed on his back.

Nigel took Dodo to Raven.

'Have you seen my tomato? asked Dodo.

'No' said the Raven.

'Why is it in your mouth then?' asked Dodo.

'Mmmm, must be my mistake' answered the Raven.

'Maybe' said Dodo

'How about we share it?' asked Dodo.

'How about a swop for the muffin?' said the Raven


So they did.